Dreamweaver Vs Adobe Muse

June 01, 2021

Dreamweaver vs Adobe Muse: Which One Should You Choose?

Are you looking for a web development tool that can help you create stunning websites without much coding knowledge? Then you might have already come across Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse. While both tools offer great features, deciding which one to pick can be challenging.

Worry not! Our team at Flare Compare has put together a comprehensive comparison of Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse to help you make an informed decision.

What are Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse?

Before we dive into the comparison, let's first understand what Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse are.

Dreamweaver is a web development tool created by Adobe that provides a visual interface for building websites. It has been around for over two decades and is a popular choice among web developers.

Adobe Muse, on the other hand, is a newer tool that was introduced in 2012. It is also a web development tool that offers a visual interface for creating websites.

Comparison of Features

Visual Interface

Both Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse offer a visual interface for web development. However, Adobe Muse's interface is more intuitive and easier to use, especially for beginners.

Code Editor

If you prefer coding, you will appreciate Dreamweaver's code editor. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for writing and debugging code. Adobe Muse has a code editor as well, but it is not as powerful as Dreamweaver's.

Responsive Design

Both Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse support responsive design. However, Adobe Muse's responsive design tools are more advanced, making it easier to create responsive designs.

Integration with other Adobe Products

Both tools integrate well with other Adobe products, such as Photoshop and Illustrator. However, Adobe Muse's integration with other products is more seamless, making it easier to create designs in other products and import them into Muse.

Support and Community

Dreamweaver has been around for a longer time and has a larger community of developers. As such, there are more online resources and forums available for support. However, Adobe Muse's community is growing steadily, and there are many resources available for support.


Dreamweaver is available as part of the Creative Cloud subscription, which starts at $20.99 per month. Adobe Muse, on the other hand, was discontinued in 2018, and Adobe no longer offers support for it.


Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse are both excellent tools for building websites. However, they cater to different audiences. Dreamweaver is great if you have some coding knowledge and prefer a powerful code editor. Adobe Muse, on the other hand, is perfect for beginners and those who want an intuitive visual interface.

Ultimately, the choice between Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse depends on your personal preferences and needs. So, choose the tool that works best for you and get started on creating stunning websites!


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